Personal Information Shared with Third Parties with User Consent

Kakao will only use personal information within the scope of consent acquired, and will not disclose or share personal information beyond the scope of consent without the user's advance permission.

Status of Information Sharing and Provision
서비스에서 별도로 수집하는 개인정보 항목
Service Recipient Purpose of Provision Personal information to be provided
Mind Weather
Seoul National University Center for Happiness Studies
statistical analysis and academic research
[Required] year of birth, gender, area (Gu-level)
KakaoTalk Order
Check orders and provide delivery or pickup services.
[Required] shipping address, contacts
One (1) designated examination authority among ['One Heart Two Loves' Campaign by Community Chest of Korea (CCK), Korea Association of Social Welfare Centers, Babonanum, Work Together Foundation] according to the nature of a proposal
acceptance/review of a proposal, management of project funding
[Required] person in charge (name, Kakao Account, contacts), the primary account number, evidential documents (in case of social welfare sector)
KakaoTalk Wallet > Certificate
Member identification for e-signatures
[Required] Name, date of birth, mobile phone, digital signature value, encrypted user identification value (CI)
KakaoTalk Wallet > License
Human Resources Development Service of Korea
To verify qualification information and authenticity
[Required] Name, Date of Birth, CI (Encrypted Identification Value)
KakaoTalk Entry QR
Verify QR code/barcode and confirm when issues arise
[Required] Kakao Account (phone number), user identity verification information (name, date of birth), QR code/barcode transaction number
Talk Checkout
Product purchase and delivery, customer service, customs clearance processing
[Required] Purchaser's name (nickname), mobile phone number, delivery address (recipient, delivery address, phone number), personal customs code
Kakao Shopping
Delivery of ordered products, customer service, and complaint handling
[Required] Recipient's name, contact number, and delivery address
Shipment and status updates of ordered products, customer service, complaint handling, and benefits related to product/service purchase
- [Required] For shipped products: Recipient's name, contact number, delivery address, and purchaser's contact number
- [Required] For vouchers/e-coupons: Recipient's name, contact number, and purchaser's contact number
Delivery of ordered products, customer consultation and complaint
- [Required] Delivery/Subscription/Rental products : Purchaser's contact information, recipient's information(name, address, contact information)
- [Required] Accommodation ticket/Plane ticket/ticket product : Purchaser's contact information, recipient's information(name, contact information)
- [Required] Consultation reservation product: name, contact information
Kakao Entertainment Co., Ltd.
Kakao Page Free Cash Payment Partnership
[Required] Mobile phone number, product purchase history(order number, price, product name, quantity, option)
SSG.COM Co., Ltd.
Customer consultation and complaint management
[Required] Name, shipping address, contact information, order number, inquiry details
Chanel Korea Co., Ltd. Gucci Korea Co., Ltd. Dyson Korea Co., Ltd. Loccitane Korea Co., Ltd. Amorepacific Co., Ltd. Samsung C&T Co., Ltd. Mpnavi Co., Ltd. Blinkk Project Co., Ltd. Poled Co., Ltd. DavidToy Co., Ltd. Hans Pumpkin Co., Ltd. Ji International Co., Ltd. Litandard Co., Ltd. I.I Combined Co., Ltd. Seoul Food Industrial Co., Ltd. SJCO Co., Ltd. Ionetech Co., Ltd. LF Co., Ltd. Sungjoo D&D Co., Ltd. JESTINA Co., Ltd. Platonv Co., Ltd. Worldwide Brands Co., Ltd. Swarovski Korea Co., Ltd. IVG Co., Ltd. Megatrade Co., Ltd. Sejung Seoul Branch CO., Ltd. Goldendew Co., Ltd. Tiffany Korea Co., Ltd. Richemont Korea Co., Ltd. Daniel Wellington Korea Co., Ltd.
Provision of purchase benefits (point reward, etc.) and sales analysis, handling partnership complaints
[Required] Member information(Purchaser's membership number, mobile phone number, email address),
Purchase information(order number, date and time, product information, quantity, price)
Loreal Co., Ltd.
Offer purchase benefits (rewards, etc.) through membership subscription by brand
[Required] Member information(Purchaser's membership number, mobile phone number, email address),
Purchase information(order number, date and time, product information, quantity, price)
GS Retail Co., Ltd.
(Purchaser consent) Complaint processing, including response to the submission of liquor sales records according to National Tax Service's announcement and providing refunds
(Gift recipient consent) Customer identification, pick-up service provision, customer consultation and customer complaint processing
Name, phone number
Daum Game
service provision, handling of complaints, delivery of notification, identification for subscription-based service use
[Required] Login ID, nickname
Brunch Story
Kakao Impact
Reward payment for the winners of the Brunch Book Project.
[Required] Name, phone number
Electronic Certificate
Electronic Document Wallet Portal of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security
Issuance of electronic certificates
[Required] Name, date of birth, gender, domestic/foreigner classification, mobile phone number, device identification value, CI, necessary items for each certificate
E-certificate issuance
[Required] Name, date of birth, school, mobile phone number
E-certificate issuance
[Required] Name, date of birth, school, student ID number, mobile phone number
KakaoTalk Booking
Product booking and customer service processing.
[Required] Name and phone number of the person who made the reservation, name and phone number of the main user, email of the person who made the reservation.
Talk Student ID
(주)아이앤텍, 한국정보인증(주), (주)아이서티
Issue certificate to verify student information
[Required] Name, date of birth, school, degree, student ID number
Verification of card and provision of benefits
[Required] Information selected by affiliated organizations including school name, degree, academic status, card issuance date and card expiration date.
Credit card receipts
Lotte Card, BC Card, Samsung Card, Shinhan Card, Hana Card, Hyundai Card, KB Kookmin Card
Check and search users who have applied for the credit card receipt service.
[Required] Mobile phone number, encrypted user connecting information (CI)
My Payment > Wire Transfer Connection Management
Kakao Bank
Account connection, withdrawal transfer and deposit transfer.
[Required] Account number, name, date of birth, encrypted user connection information (CI).
Hecto Financial
Verification and registration of account information, payment gateway (Financial VAN)
[Required] Account number, name, date of birth.
Korea Financial Telecommunications & Clearings Institute
Provision of withdrawal transfer service, confirmation of agreement to withdrawal, registration of new withdrawal transfer and cancellation notification.
[Required] Bank name, account number, name, date of birth, mobile phone, encrypted user connection information (CI).
KakaoTalk Electronic Document
Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA)
Registration of an Official Electronic Address and issuance of Electronic Document Circulation Certificates by Articles 18(4) and 18(5) of the Electronic Documents and Electronic Transaction Act
[Required] Name, Encrypted User Identification Value (CI), Official Electronic Address, History of Application, Cancellation, and Sending, Receiving, and Viewing of Electronic Documents.