정책 본문

Kakao Privacy Policy

Kakao Privacy Policy

1. Kakao Privacy Policy

A privacy policy refers to guidelines a company complies with in order to ensure that users can use the service with confidence. Kakao applies a Privacy Policy which complies with applicable laws, personal information protection regulations and guidelines of the Republic of Korea, which must be obeyed by information communication service providers.

Kakao “uses and provides the user’s personal information based on the user’s consent”.
Kakao strives to offer an easy-to-comprehend Privacy Policy in order to actively guarantee the user’s rights (the right to control one’s own personal information). As part of our efforts, we have used labels to highlight the important categories of our Privacy Policy.

  • Personal Information
    Personal Information

    [Required] Email, password, name (nickname), profile photo, friends, KakaoTalk phone number (only for KakaoTalk users), contacts, service use history, purchase/payment history in the Service

    [Optional] Date of birth, gender, shipping address information (recipient's name, shipping address, phone number)

    These personal information items are collected when you sign up for a "Kakao Account". Please refer to the Privacy Policy below for more details.

  • Purpose of Processing
    Purpose of Processing

    Users' personal information collected by Kakao is only used for purposes needed to provide Kakao services, including member management, service provision and improvement, and new service development.
    Whenever personal information is collected, users are notified of the processing of information and users' consent is obtained..

    Please refer to the contents of the Privacy Policy below for more information on the purpose of processing personal information collected by Kakao.

  • Provision
    to Third Parties
    Provision to Third Parties

    Personal information may be provided to connect to a third party's service or use affiliated services. Kakao does not provide personal information to a third party without separate consent from the user, unless it is stipulated in laws and regulations. Information that is provided to third parties is only provided after notify users of the information recipient and the purpose of provision, and after obtaining consent from the user.

    Please refer to the contents of the Privacy Policy below on when and why Kakao provides personal information to a third party.

  • Entrustment
    of Processing
    Entrustment of Processing

    If needed for service provision, some personal information processing tasks may be entrusted to an external entity. Kakao manages and supervises whether the entrusted entity complies with laws and regulations on personal information protection by limiting the entrusted entity's processing of personal information to that necessary to execute the entrusted tasks, applying technical and administrative protective measures and restricting re-entrustment.

    Please refer to the contents of the Privacy Policy below for a complete list of parties that are entrusted by Kakao to handle personal information.

  • Rights and
    of Information
    Rights and Obligations of Information Owners

    Kakao guarantees the rights and obligations of the information owner when processing personal information.
    Kakao users can view or update their personal information at any time, withdraw consent to the collection, use and provision of personal information, and request to deactivate their account.

    Please refer to the Privacy Policy below for more information on the rights and obligations of information owners defined by Kakao.

  • Privacy Protection
    Privacy Protection Departments

    If you have any inquiries, complaints, advice and other issues related to privacy protection that arise during the use of Kakao services, please contact Kakao's Privacy Protection Officer and/or the responsible department for a review of the issue and a response. Kakao values our users' opinions and strives to create safer Services.

    Please refer to the Privacy Policy below for contact information of Kakao's Privacy Protection Officer and the responsible department.

※ Users can click the icons of the labels to find detailed information of each category.

Privacy Policy is applied to services offered by Kakao (hereinafter “Services”), including KakaoTalk and Daum. However, privacy policies created specifically for a certain Kakao Service will supercede the Kakao Privacy Policy.

2. Collection of Personal Information

Kakao collects the minimum personal information to provide the Services.

The following minimum personal information is collected when a user signs up for the Service or while the user uses the Services, through the home page, individual applications and programs, and etc.

[Kakao Account] Required

Email, password, name (nickname), profile picture, list of friends, KakaoTalk phone number (only for KakaoTalk users), contacts, history of service usage, history of purchase/payment in the Service


Date of birth, gender, shipping address information (name of recipient, shipping address, phone number)

[To sign up a business/organization Kakao Account] Required

Email, password, name of the business/organization, profile picture, friends list, contacts, history of service use, history of purchase/payment in the Service, representative’s verification information (name, date of birth, gender, ID, encrypted connecting information (CI), duplication information (DI), contact information (email address, mobile phone no), citizen/foreigner status), representative’s contact information (email, mobile phone number)

In order to provide specific features, some Services may collect additional personal information, upon the user’s approval, besides information generally collected from the Kakao Account.
  • What is required information? : Information required to provide the fundamental features of the concerned service.
  • What is optional information? : Additional information which needs to be collected to provide more specialized services. (Users still can use the Services without agreeing to provide additional information.)
View Detailed List of Personal Information Collected by the Service [To verify one's identity]

Name, gender, date of birth, mobile phone number, telecommunications service provider, citizen/foreigner, encrypted connecting information (CI), duplication information (DI))

[To consent of legal representative]

법정대리인 정보(이름, 성별, 생년월일, 휴대전화번호, 통신사업자, 내/외국인 여부, 암호화된 이용자 확인값(CI), 중복가입확인정보(DI))

[To use paid-services]

신용카드 결제 시: 카드번호(일부), 카드사명 등
휴대전화번호 결제 시: 휴대전화번호, 결제승인번호 등
계좌이체 시: 예금주명, 계좌번호, 계좌은행 등
상품권 이용 시: 상품권 번호, 해당 사이트 아이디

[To process refund]

계좌은행, 계좌번호, 예금주명, 이메일

[To issue cash receipt]

Mobile phone number, card number for cash receipt

[To process a customer inquiry]

Additional information may be required when processing an inquiry or consultation through Customer Service.

See personal information items to be additionally collected for customer service The method to collect personal information is as follows.

In case of collecting personal information, Kakao informs the fact to a user in advance and asks for his/her consent. Personal information is collected via the following methods:

  • The user agrees to the collection of personal information and enters relevant information when signing up for a service or while the user uses the Services
  • Personal information is provided through affiliated services or groups.
  • Personal information is provided via the home page, email, fax, phone, etc. during customer service calls.
  • The user participates in online and/or offline events.
Legal representative’s consent is required when collecting information of children under 14 years of age.

The child may be requested to provide the minimum necessary information, including the legal representative’s name and contact information, and the legal representative’s consent is confirmed using the methods below.

  • Confirm the legal representative's identity through the legal representative's mobile phone self-verification process
  • Provide the legal representative with a document of consent, which is signed and submitted by the representative
  • Use other methods that is equivalent to the methods described above to notify the legal representative of the reason to acquire consent and confirm that the representative has consented.
The following personal information may be collected while the user uses the Service.

Device information (OS, screen size, device ID, type of mobile phone, model name of device), IP address, cookies, date of visit, improper usage record and service usage record may be automatically created and collected while the user uses the PC web or mobile web & apps.

Kakao receives the following personal information from the third parties, based upon partnership agreements or affiliation with other services. View Detailed List of Personal Information Provided
  • Personal Information

    When a user signs up for a Kakao Account, Kakao collects the minimum amount of personal information needed for him/her to use the service. Kakao may collect additional information upon the user's consent to allow the user to access specialized services.

  • Unique Identifiable Information
    (Resident Registration No.)

    Kakao may collect a user's Resident Registration Number, which is a unique identifiable information in accordance with the law, when a user requests a receipt for donation while using the Kakao Donation Service.

  • Automatic Data Collection

    The device information, IP address, cookies, date and time of visit, bad usage records, service usage records, etc. may be generated and collected automatically during service use.

3. Use of Personal Information

Personal information is used to manage membership, to provide and improve Services and to develop new service.
  • Member identification, confirmation of the user’s will to sign up, user and age verification, prevention of improper usage
  • Confirmation of consent of a legal representative in case of collecting personal information of children under 14 years of age, verification of identity of the legal representative thereafter
  • Message transmission between friends, friend registration and suggestion
  • Notification of activities to friends, user search & sign-up
  • Develop new services, provide diverse services, resolve inquiries or complaints, and deliver notices
  • Send contents, etc. to the users of paid services, or shipping / payment
  • Prevention and sanction of any act that interrupts normal service operation of the service
  • Recommend customized contents based on demographic features, users' interest, taste and propensity, and utilized the foregoing information as marketing methods
  • Voice-command processing and voice-recognition enhancing, customized service
  • Statistics based on service usage record, frequency of visit and service use; development of service environment to protect privacy; development of customized services; service improvement.
Additional personal information may be used or provided.

The personal information may be used or provided to a third party, without consent from the user and in accordance with related laws, to the extent that the information is collected and used for reasons related to the purpose of collection. At this time, collective consideration is made to whether the additional use and collection of personal information is related to the original purpose of collection, the circumstances of the collection or processing practices can lead to expectations of further use or provision of personal information, the collection and use unjustifiably impeded on the user's interests, and/or whether measures where taken to secure security, such as pseudonymization or encryption.

Kakao can pseudonymize the collected personal information in order to secure anonymity of the individual. This pseudonymized information can then be used for statistics, scientific research and public records. Pseudonymized information is saved and managed separately from the additional information, and necessary technical and operational measures are applied so that the information owner cannot be identified.

View how pseudonymized information is used
  • Processed Items and Purposes

    Personal information items collected based on a user's agreement are processed for purposes required to provide Kakao Services including membership management. Processed items and their purposes are disclosed in Kakao's Privacy Policy at all times.

  • Additional Use

    Personal information may be used or provided additionally within the scope reasonably related to the original purpose of collection, based on the consideration of the relevancy to the original purpose, the circumstances of collection and processing practices.

  • Pseudonymization

    After pseudonymizing the collected personal information to make it impossible to identify a particular individual, Kakao may process the information for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific research purposes or statistical purposes.

4. Provision of Personal Information

Kakao does not provide personal information to any third party without your consent or unless demanded by applicable laws.

Kakao does not provide personal information to any third party without your consent or unless demanded by applicable laws. However, Kakao provides personal information to third parties within the scope necessary, only upon user’s prior consent, if a user uses Services such as a Kakao Account login service or an affiliated service.
Personal information may also be provided overseas, upon the user’s prior consent, in order to use an overseas service. Separate consent is also acquired by notifying users of the overseas entity and country the user’s personal information will be transferred to.

Instances of Kakao Sharing Personal Information with Third Parties

Kakao can provide necessary organizations with personal information without consent from the information owner in the event of a disaster, communicable disease, incidents or accidents that can lead to death or physical endangerment, and/or emergency situations that can lead to immediate financial loss.

The following affairs are entrusted to provide the Services.

If needed for service provision, some personal information processing tasks may be entrusted to an external entity. Kakao manages and supervises whether the entrusted entity complies with laws and regulations on personal information protection by limiting the entrusted entity's processing of personal information to that necessary to execute the entrusted tasks, applying technical and administrative protective measures and restricting re-entrustment.

Entrusted Parties for Personal Information Handling
  • Provision to Third Parties

    Kakao only provides personal information to a third party when a user directly consents to the provision of personal information in order to use the services of an outside partner. The list of third parties receiving personal information can be viewed in Kakao's Privacy Policy.

  • Entrustment of Processing

    Kakao entrusts part of its work necessary to provide services to outside companies. In case of entrustment, Kakao carries out management and supervision on a regular basis to ensure that the companies comply with applicable laws related to personal information protection.

  • Crossborder Transfer

    The personal information of users may be transferred overseas when a user consents to the provision of personal information in order to use the services of an overseas partner. In addition, the processing of specific personal information is entrusted to an overseas partner to send text messages to foreign countries, and for other purposes.

5. Destruction of Personal Information

The user's personal information is to be destroyed immediately once the purpose of the collection and use of personal information is fulfilled. The procedure and method of destruction is as follows:

The method of destroying personal information that has to be destroyed because the purpose of collecting or using personal information has been achieved, or because the user has unsubscribed from the service, will be determined depending on the format of the personal information. Personal information stored in electronic file formats is to be deleted using technical means which make the information unrecoverable. Personal information printed on paper records, printed matters and documents is to be destroyed through shredding or incineration.

Any information that is destroyed after being stored for a certain period under the internal policies is as follows:

  • 1)The following information is destroyed after being kept for the maximum one (1) year from the date of user’s withdrawal from the Service.
    • Kakao Account and email address to which a withdrawal notification is sent to correspond to CS inquires and to transmit announcements shall be encrypted and stored.
    • Improper usage records
  • 2)KakaoTogether: The following information is destroyed after being kept for three (3) years from the end date of project fundraising.(If the project is not selected, it will be destroyed after being kept for 90 days from the date of result announcement.)
    • Evidential documents collected while selecting support targets
  • 3)Kakao Certificate: Once certificate use is discontinued, certificate use history will be stored and then destroyed ten (10) years after the certificate discontinuance date.
    • Name, date of birth, mobile phone number, gender, Encrypted connection information(CI), certificate data
  • 4)mm : The following information will be stored and destroyed three (3) years from the date the voice data has been reported for improper use.
    • Nickname, voice data
  • 5)Open Chat > Voice Room: The following information will be stored and destroyed three (3) years from the date the voice data has been reported for improper use.
    • Nickname, voice data
  • 6)KakaoTalk: Personal information collected under relaxed user protection measures will be destroyed after one year.
    • Encrypted user identification value (CI)

Furthermore, Kakao separately stores or deletes the personal information of its members who have not used the Services for one year or longer in accordance with the expiration system of personal information. The stored information will be destroyed without delay after being kept for four (4) years.

Other personal information that shall be retained under the relevant laws and regulations are as follows:

See the retention of personal information in accordance with applicable laws
  • Retention Period and Destruction

    Kakao safely destroys personal information which are no longer needed for the specific purpose for which it was collected and used, or when after a user withdraws membership. Collected information will be retained only for the notified retention period before being destroyed, and any information which is required to be retained for a specific period based on applicable laws will be stored separately.

6. Processing personal location information

Kakao handles personal information as described below in accordance with the Act on the Protection and Use of Location Information. Kakao can retain personal location information in order to provide services as stated in Article 4 of Kakao's Terms and Conditions of Location-Based Services.
"Article 4. (Services)" of the Terms and Conditions of Location-Based Services
  1. ① Provide or recommend search results or contents based on location information
  2. ② Share location, send notification by location/area and provide routes
  3. ③ Tag contents to categorize location-based contents
  4. ④ Provide customized ads based on locations
  • The personal location information is immediately destroyed once the information has been used in and provided to location based services.
  • The personal location information in user-created posting and contents which are in services that store location information is retained as long as the posting and/or content remains in the service.
  • If needed, personal location information may be retain for a minimum amount of time to provide location-based services.
Personal location information is immediately destroyed once the purpose of collecting and using information has been achieved.

Once the information has been collected and used for its desired purpose, or the user has unsubscribed from the service, the personal location information is safely deleted so that it cannot be restored or reconstructed.
However, information is stored if laws and regulations prescribes justifiable reasons to store such information.

In accordance with the Act on the Protection and Use of Location Information, evidence that confirms the use and provision of user's personal information shall be stored in location information system for six (6) months.

Personal location information is not provided to a third party without the user's prior consent.

Kakao does not provide a user's personal location information to a third party without the user's prior consent. If the information is provided to a third party, the user is notified in advance of the information recipient, and the purpose of providing the information, and may consent to the provision of such information.

If personal location information is provided to a third party upon the user's consent, the recipient of the information, as well as the date and purpose of providing the information must be immediately notified to the user every time the information is provided.

View details of the provision of location information The custodian shall have the following rights if a custodian is needed to protect a child who is 8 years old or younger.

In accordance with Article 26-1 of the Act on the Protection and Use of Location Information, if the custodian agrees to the use or provision of personal location information to protect life or physical body of children aged 8 years or younger specified as below ("Children Aged 8 Years Or Younger, Etc."), such child will be deemed to have consented thereto.

  • Children aged 8 years or younger
  • Incompetent persons under adult guardianship
  • Mentally disabled persons who are defined in Article 2.2.2 of the Act on Welfare of Persons with Disabilities and categorized as persons with severe disabilities based on Article 2.2 of the Act on the Employment Promotion and Vocational Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities (Only those registered as disabled in accordance with Article 32 of the Act on Welfare of Persons with Disabilities)

Any custodian who intends to exercise the rights above shall submit a written consent with evidentiary documents for his/her custodianship to the Company, and shall be granted all user rights that are defined in the Terms and Conditions of Location-Based Services.

Please refer to the Kakao Terms and Conditions of Location-Based Services for more information on how personal location information is handled.

  • Personal Location Information

    Personal location information may be collected for Kakao's location-based services. Kakao acquires users' agreement to the Terms and Conditions of Location-Based Services before collecting personal location information, and destroys the without delay as soon as the purpose of collecting and using them is achieved.

7. Rights of Users & Legal Representatives and Exercising Those Rights

Kakao is committed to protecting the user’s rights.

Users are able to inquire or edit their personal information at any time, and may request to withdraw their consent to the collection · use, and provision of their personal information or cancel their membership.

In particular, users can modify personal information or withdraw the membership via Settings in the Service. Upon any request via email, document, phone call, the Customer Center shall take measures without delay.
If any user requests for the revision of personal information, such information shall not be used or provided until the revision is completed.

In the case of children under 14 years of age, the legal representative is given the right to inquire, edit and delete personal information, suspend the processing of personal information, and withdraw consent to collect, use or provide personal information.

Details about personal information that is collected, used and provided to a third party, as well as how the entrusted information is handled, all for use of Kakao Services and upon consent from users, are provided in the “Kakao Personal Information Use Status” webpage.

See details of how personal information in used for Kakao Services (Login required)
  • Rights and Obligations of Information Subjects

    Kakao users may at any time exercise the rights to request for access and correction of their personal information, and request the withdrawal of their agreement to personal information processing.

  • Legal Representatives

    For children under the age of 14, a legal representative may exercise the rights to request for access, correction, deletion and suspension of processing of the child's personal information.

In addition, Kakao also provides a page containing information on the user’s right protection in accordance with the Privacy Guidelines for Online Customized Ads.

See introduction/rejection of customized ads
  • Collection of Behavioral Data

    Kakao provides personalized ads based on behavioral data based on a user's interests in order to reduce the exposure of ads unwanted by the user and to provide useful ads.

8. Matters Concerning Automatic Personal Information Collection Device (InstallationㆍOperation and Refusal)

Cookies can be used to provide the web-based services.

Cookies are used to support a faster and more convenient use of websites and to provide customized services.

What is a Cookie?

A cookie is a small piece of text file usually set by the web server, sent from a website and stored in a User's computer hard disk while the user is browsing that website.

Purpose of use

Kakao uses cookies which save and retrieve user information in order to provide personal customized service. When a user visits the website, the website server reads cookies stored on the user's device to maintain environment settings and customized services. Cookies help the user use the website easily and conveniently by finding out the user's preferences. Also, they are used to provide customized marketing information by tracing the number of visiting to the website and use patterns.

Rejection of cookies

The user has the option to install cookies. They can go to the top of the web browser, click "Settings > Privacy and security > Cookies and other site data" and decide whether to block or allow cookies. when a user rejects the storage of a cookie, then the user may have some difficulties in using a service.

9. Actions Taken to Protect Personal Information

Kakao works hard to protect our users' precious personal information.
  • Users' personal information is encrypted.

    Users' personal information is transmitted through encrypted communication channels, and important information, including passwords, are encrypted when stored.

  • Personal information is protected from hacking attempts and computer viruses.

    Systems are installed in areas restricted from external factors to prevent users' personal information from being leaked or damaged by hacking or computer viruses. A 24-hour monitoring system has been installed to detect and block any hacking attempts, and vaccine programs are being used to protect the system from the latest malware and viruses. Kakao is also continuously researching new security and anti-hacking technologies and applying the new technologies to our services.

  • Personal information is handled by minimum personnel. Risk of personal information breach is minimized by assigning only a necessary handful of people to handle users' personal information.

    Systematic standards are applied when creating and updating passwords in systems that store personal information database and process personal information. Standards are also applied to authorizing access to systems and audits are conducted on a regular basis.

  • Kakao employee receive regular training on personal information protection.

    Training and campaigns on personal information protection and security are held for all Kakao employees who handle users' personal information.

  • Kakao meets national and international certification standards on user information protection activities and systems.

    Kakao is verified annually by an independent auditing organization to ensure that we meet national and international certification standards on information protection and privacy management. The result of the audit is applied to any improvements needed.

  • Security Measures

    To ensure the security of a user's personal information, Kakao complies with all legal requirements in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act, and monitors its security measure levels on a regular basis through internal and external verification.

  • Personal Information Protection Certification

    Kakao's privacy and information protection system has been certified by certification authorities.

Kakao complies with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation and the laws and regulations of the European Union states (hereinafter the “GDPR”).

The following may apply when Kakao provides services to users in EU countries.

[Purpose/Basis of Personal Information Processing]

Kakao uses personal information collected from users only for purposes specified in "3. Use of Personal Information", informs users prior to any use thereof and asks for agreement. In addition, Kakao may process personal information in accordance with applicable laws including GDPR in any of the following cases:

  • Consent of the data subject
  • Sign and fulfil a contract with the data subject
  • legal compliance
  • When personal information processing is necessary for the material benefit of the data subject
  • For the pursuit of legitimate interests of the company (except for cases where the benefits, rights or freedom of the data subject is more important than that of the company.)
[Guarantee of Users' Rights in EU Countries]

In accordance with applicable laws including GDPR, a user may request that his or her personal information be transferred to another manager, and refuse the processing of his or her information. In addition, a user has a right to file a complaint with data privacy protection authorities.
Kakao may also use personal information for marketing purposes such as event promotion or advertisements, for which Kakao obtains a prior agreement. A user may withdraw the agreement at any time if he or she doesn't want it.
A user may inquire the foregoing matters to the Customer Service via document, phone or email. The request will be handled in a proper and timely manner.
When a user requests for the correction of personal information, the concerned information shall not be displayed until such correction is completed.

10. Privacy Protection Officer and Responsible Department

Kakao has designated the Privacy Protection Officer and a department responsible for responding to user inquiries regarding personal information and resolving related complaints.

For any inquiries, complaints, feedback or other matters related to personal information protection which arise while you use the Services, please contact the Privacy Protection Officer or the responsible department. Kakao will do its best to listen to you and promptly answer any questions you may have.

Privacy Protection Officer and Responsible Department
  • Privacy Protection Officer/DPO/Location Information Manager: Yeonjea Kim
  • Department: Privacy Protection Part
  • Contact
    - Customer Service (Link) : 1577-3754 (Charged)

Please make inquiries to the following organizations if you need to report or consult in regards to the violation of personal information.

KISA Report Center for Personal Information Breach
Cyber Crime Investigation, Supreme Prosecutors' Office
National Police Agency Cyber Bureau
  • Privacy Protection Officer and Responsible Department

    Users may contact the Privacy Protection Officer and the responsible department (Kakao Privacy Protection Part) for any questions or complaints regarding personal information protection that they experience during service use.

  • Remedies for Infringement on Rights

    Users who want to report or consult on personal information infringement may contact government organizations for help.

11. Amendment to the Privacy Policy

Kakao may amend its Privacy Policy to reflect any legal or service changes. Kakao shall notify such amendment in advance, and the amended Privacy Policy shall take effect seven (7) days after the foregoing notification.
However, any major change in user rights, including personal information items to be collected and the purpose of collecting thereof, will be notified at least 30 days in advance.

Kakao always entreasures users' information, and continues to exert its utmost efforts for users to use our Service more safely.

  • Notification Date: FEB 15, 2023
  • Enforcement Date: FEB 22, 2023
See past privacy policies Kakao Privacy Policy
  • Change of Personal Information Processing Policy

    Kakao's personal information processing policy may be amended due to the change of laws or services, and in this case, amendments will be notified to users via Service Notices in advance.